Promise Girl Baby Name

Cool facts about baby girl name Promise

How popular is Promise as a baby girls name?

YearPlace BabyGirls PlaceRank
2019USA 315 848
2018USA 294 908
2017USA 239 1063
2017Alberta 1 2303
2016USA 212 1174
2016Alberta 1 2328
2015USA 244 1069
2015England and Wales 3 5730
2015Alberta 1 2370
2010USA 217 1129
2010England and Wales 6 3533
2005USA 115 1726
2005England and Wales 4 3970
2000USA 74 2168
1995USA 45 2715
1990USA 12 7177
1985USA 23 3699
1980USA 11 6205
1975USA 5 10148

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